Our Classrooms

Environments Designed for Optimal Learning Experiences

At Ivybrook Academy, we believe in creating the best learning environment for our students. Our campuses are built to create a community where educators can cultivate relationships with parents, and parents can forge bonds with one another. We also put a lot of thought into our classroom design and setup. Using insights from our team of educators, we’ve designed each classroom to have one of a kind learning areas for each age group. This ensures students are surrounded by a conducive learning environment.

Redefining the Traditional Classroom

Because the world around us offers so many learning opportunities, our Preschool also takes our classes and lessons outdoors. Some days we have our morning or closing meetings in our outdoor classroom, and other times we use these spaces for small group activities. This natural playground offers so many opportunities to learn about the natural world, from exploring textures to growing plants to observing weather and climate changes. Why keep students inside a room all day when there is so much to explore right outside our door?

We provide children with the tools and resources necessary to thrive today, tomorrow, and beyond.

Two students playing
Teacher working with students

Bright Futures Begin Here

Ivybrook Academy believes that the broader the experiences of the child, the greater the potential to learn. For this reason, we offer daily enrichment activities for all our students that are enrolled in our early childhood education classes. Through the use of painting, sculpting, music, storytelling, theater, and many other forms of self-expression, children can give a voice to their thoughts and ideas, as well as share their newfound discoveries and understandings. Our educators value the inquisitive nature of young children and immerse them in a classroom where they are free to paint with Picasso, create beautiful music alongside Mozart, and so much more.

We provide children with the tools and resources necessary to thrive today, tomorrow, and beyond.